
Steve Harvey Answers Viewer Questions and Offers Relationship Advice

After 64 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, Steve Harvey's book "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man," is coming out in paperback.

The comedian-cum-relationship guru appeared on "Good Morning America" today. He talked about his book being made into a movie, and answered viewers' questions about relationships.

Here are Harvey's answers to viewers' questions. Questions may have been edited for clarity:

Sophia G. wrote: "I am newly divorced after 25 years. I am 45 years old with three children (12, 13, and 18). Starting over and being single has been a challenge. So many things have changed. What advice can you give me?"

Harvey's reply: Things have changed after 25 years. Dating is more about social networking. Date online. You can meet and chat and get to know people online. Brush up on your social networking. But don't give up on the old values of getting yourself together. You could be in the grocery store and Mr. Right walks up. You never know, it could be the old or the new way of meeting Mr. Right that works for you.

Crystal C. wrote: "My partner and I are both overweight. We both want to lose it. However, my partner wants to get weight loss surgery and I want to lose weight the natural way via exercise, diet, and lifestyle changes. Do you have any suggestions on how we can come to a common ground?"

Harvey's reply: One of them comes with a lot of risk. That surgery comes with a lot of risk. Watching what you eat and exercise are proven ways without the risk. Cut a deal with him. Say if you exercise with me, we can have this kind of fun exercising afterwards. I guarantee he'll make that deal.

Jennifer from Washington wrote: "My best friend of 10 years -- and who I've been in love with for nearly as long -- is married with a little girl. He wants me to have an affair with him. What should I do?"

Harvey's reply: You should run. Explain to me the value in it for you? There's no gain and no value. Number one, he's not going to leave his wife and kids, and if you are the cause of him losing his wife and kids you won't be the one anyway ... Have a life with someone who can have a life with you. Why do you want someone else's life? Work on creating a life of your own.

Helene T. wrote: "My former husband left me for another woman many years ago. We have reconnected through LinkedIn and are both single again. He wants to come and see me or buy me a ticket to come see him... My instinct is to give him a chance and discover the man that he is today. Am I being silly to do so?"

Harvey's reply: People change. You know what he was like, so you can see if he is changed. You have the record book. Do you want to see if he has changed? Do you have feelings for him? If so, there's no reason not to find out.

Janet D. wrote: "Steve, a boyfriend from 30 years ago found me on Facebook in June and came to visit me in October (I live on the East Coast, he on the West Coast). We had a really great week together, so he's gung-ho ready to get married already, and I am resisting saying things are moving too fast. I'm a 55-year-old woman who has been independently happy for many years. Am I really wrong for hesitating?"

Harvey's reply: You should take your time. What's the rush? You've been single this long and been happy. You had a great week together. A week -- are you kidding me? Anyone can be happy for a week. See if you can be happy for a year together.

Donna J. wrote: "I can't seem to trust the man I have been with for seven years, even though he has never cheated on me that I know of. Can you please help me? I am driving myself crazy."

Harvey's reply: You are driving yourself crazy. He has never cheated on you. You are playing a bunch of scenarios in your head based on what you've heard or read or based on your past. You are creating a problem that might not exist.

Shana S. wrote: "For about the last five years my husband has been ill with a variety of things from diabetic symptoms to cancer. Throughout this time I have done anything and everything he or doctors have asked. Problem is I now feel like a full time caregiver, not a wife. I love my husband, but desperately want and need more. What do you suggest?"

Harvey's reply: Is he doing everything in his power to take care of himself too? If you are with a guy who is not taking care of himself and not trying, if it's something he can prevent, he needs to take care of himself too. You can't be the only caregiver. If it's weight or the way he's eating, it's not your job just to just hold hands and go downhill with him. If he is doing what he can, I think it's nice to stand by your man, but not if he's jumping off a cliff. You don't want to go over the cliff with him.

