
Ron Paul Quietly Plots Backup Strategy While Seeking the Nomination

Rep. Ron Paul says he's in it to win it and the campaign boasts that it has a comprehensive strategy in place to ensure that happens.

But behind the scenes Campaign Manager Jesse Benton admits to ABC News that the team is plotting a back up strategy in case the congressman doesn't pull in enough delegates to become the nominee.

If the campaign comes up short at the convention, Benton says the plan is to use all the delegates awarded to Paul as a bargaining chip to force the Republican Party to stick to its limited government platform.

Benton says this could include auditing the Federal Reserve and winding back several parts of the Patriot Act, including roving wire taps which he says were originally written with the intent of expiring.

"I think it would be wise for the Republican Party to allow them to sun set next time they come up for authorization," said Benton, adding a good portion of the American people are with that.

Benton also admits the policy shift would help Republicans attract more independents, undercutting President Obama's base.

Flush with cash from a $13 million fundraising haul last quarter, the Paul campaign will focus winning delegates from caucus states, where TV advertising is usually cheaper and it's easier for independents to vote.

