
Jamie Oliver says healthy school food standards 'eroded' cheapugg-aus.com

A campaign by the chef led to tough new legal standards for meals in England's schools.

But now caterers are saying that some of England'sugg boots colorado ugg outlet los angeles ugg outlet buffalo new academy schools - which do not have to abide by the regulations - are asking for "unhealthy food".

The government says it trusts schools to act in their pupils' best interest.

And it says it has no reason to believe that academies will not provide healthy, balanced meals that meet the current nutritional standards

Jamie Oliver told BBC Breakfast News: "The bit of work that we did which is law was a good bit of work for any government.

"So to erode it, which is essentially what Mr Gove is doing - his view is we let schools do what they want."

The chef led a TV campaign which saw him going in to school kitchens and helping staff to drop fatty foods from their menus in favour of healthier options.

The law was tightened in England for local authority primary schools in 2008 and secondaries in 2009, so that school lunches had to meet strict nutritional guidelines.

Sweets, crisps and fizzy drinks disappeared from vending machines.

The changes were not universally liked, and some parents took to passing their children fast food through the railings of their school.

And in some schools, children are bringing in biscuits and other snacks to sell to pupils.

England's academies are semi-independent schools and asugg milwaukee ugg boots minnesota ugg boots in minnesota such they do not have to abide by regulations which set out strict nutritional guidelines for school food.

There are currently 1,400 of them and more schools plan on converting to academy-status.

Now the Local Authority Catering Association, which has ugg boots in houston ugg boots houston ugg arizona700 members across the UK, says it is being asked to bring back some "unhealthy food".

